The trajectory
The software development trajectory

First meeting
In an exploratory meeting, we map out the business processes that need to be automated within your organization.

Wishes and requirements
If it turns out that we can add value, we will have a look at the wishes and requirements that the software must meet.

We develop the software, in close collaboration with you, step by step in short iterations of several weeks (scrum / agile collaboration).

Further development
After the delivery, we take care of maintenance and further development so that you can continue to use it optimally.
Het traject waar Poort80 naar streeft

De ontwikkeling van software dient zorgvuldig en doordacht te gebeuren. En vooral ook samen. Bij Poort80 weten we wat er mogelijk is en waar kansen liggen op het gebied van automatisering. U heeft kennis van de markt en weet waar u behoefte aan heeft. Samen komen we tot oplossingen die u ondersteunen waar u en uw klanten dit willen.
Scrum / agile
De Poort80 ontwikkelaars en IT proces architect bedenken, in nauwe samenwerking met u, de meest slimme oplossingen die stap voor stap ontwikkelt worden volgens de scrum method. You determine which functionalities are most important to your company and in which order they should be developed. We don't just listen, we also come up with suggestions.

Together with you, we develop software that meets all requirements, wishes and needs. This not only provides clarity, but also confidence. Confidence is important in software development. Confidence that reliable, high-quality software enables efficient work where you and your customers need it.
Long term relationships
Long-term relationships can be established on the basis of confidence and by offering excellent service. That ensures smooth cooperation. We are committed to showing that the confidence in us is justified. We are proud that we have been working for some of our customers for more than 30 years.